Maintenance & Coming Soon mode

Here is how the “Maintenance & Coming Soon” extension works :

First, you’ll need to activate it from the Appearance > Woffice Theming Options > Theme Extensions > Woffice Maintenance section:

When this option is activated, it will create a new Page with the name “Maintenance”. 

Please make sure this page was created, or else, simply create it with the default template. We simply need the name to be right, and the url to be /maintenance. 

Once the option is activated, you have access to different settings within the Content and Style section: 

Within the Content Segment, the fields below are present.

Status: This is used in determining whether to render the maintenance page to visitors/members upon accessing the site. If enabled, visitors will be redirected to the maintenance page upon accessing the website.

Headline: Here you can add the headline title to be rendered on the maintenance page.

Content: Within this field you can add the content that you would wish to be rendered on the maintenance page.

Within the Style Segment, the fields below are present.

Text color: If you happen to specify a background image for the maintenance page, the text color field will be useful in adjusting the color of text overlaying the image.

Background color: This field will be used to set the background color to the maintenance page and the background image if set, will be over it.

Background Image: Here you can upload the background image to the maintenance page.

Layer Opacity: Within this field, you can set a range of between 0 and 1 for the opacity of the color over the background image.

Icon: Here you can set an Icon that will be rendered on the Maintenance page.