Font Styling options

The font Styling options are present within the Appearance > Woffice Theming Options > Theme Options > Font Options section.

Within this section you can now carry out font adjustments. These include:

Main Font Family: Here you can set the default main font family to be used globally within the website and specify various font settings such as; font weight, font size and line height.

Headlines Font Family: Within this field, you can set the font family that you would wish headlines within your website to use, and also specify various font settings such as; font weight, font size and line height.

Extended Latin: This setting is only for some fonts or rather Latin Extended fonts such as Polish. It will not be applicable to all fonts.

Bold Headlines: This option enables/disables bold headlines for titles globally within the website.

Uppercase Headlines: Enables/disables the display of Headlines in uppercase globally within the website.