Theme color options help in adjusting the colors used globally within your WordPress site.
These options can be accessed from the Appearance > WOffice Theming Options > Theme Color section as illustrated below:
There are settings for various color options. These Include:
- Primary Color: This option is used in altering the main brand color present for example in button backgrounds, active menu background, icon link colors and many more within your website.
Below is a sample illustration on this:
2. Background Color Dark: Here you can use this option to specify a background to the widget and sidebar sections within your website.
Below is sample illustration on this:
3. Background Color Light: This option can be used in altering the background to the content area within the site.
Below is sample illustration on this:
4. Text Color Dark: The Text Color Dark Option is used in altering the colors to the Headings throughout the site. Below is a sample screenshot on this:
5. Text Color Light: Used in altering the color of contents or else paragraph text throughout the site.
Below is a sample illustration on this: