i) From the Backend
Once you have the plugin installed and activated, the plugin OKR post type will be created on the backend.
Creation of OKRs is achievable from the OKRs > Add New section within the WordPress dashboard as seen below:

On the next screen, you can then add the OKR data (title and description) as illustrated below:With this done, you can then proceed to the section below and begin adding the objectives

With this done, you can then proceed to the section below and begin adding the objectives

An objective is simply what is to be achieved
Objective Title: The title to the objective
Objective Member: The user assigned to the objective and is considered accountable for it
Objective Status: The situation of the objective
Objective Date: The start and target end dates for the set objective
Key Result
A Key Result on the other hand is more of a benchmark and monitor on how we get to achieve the Objective. They can also be considered as progressions of which once fully complete, the objective is then considered complete.
Key Result Title: The title to a measurable key resultKey Result Member: A user assigned to the Key Result and is considered accountable for it
Key Result Date: The start and target end dates for the set Key Result
Key Result Item: This allows you to select a task from your projects and assign members to it
ii) From the Front-end
OKRs can also be created from the front-end within the OKRs page, as mentioned within the guide here: https://docs.woffice.io/displaying-all-okrs/.