WOffice 5
WOffice 5 Guides
Since WOffice 4.1.6, the WOffice theme incorporates an option to request for the review of To do tasks by project members. This feature is available both in the backend and front-end. Backend Implementation In order to implement this within your tasks, you will need to ensure that: 1.You have a project in place with project […]
In order to display a Docs to Wiki post on a page, you will need to add the following Shortcode to the page: The value 1 will need to be replaced with your Docs to Wiki post ID.
The Team View plugin mainly renders tasks based on the assigned users. Prior to using the plugin it is hence necessary to ensure that: Here is a quick guide on how to setup projects: Projects 2. You have added tasks to the projects: Tasks are added in individual projects within the project settings “Project Todo […]
Within the Tools>Site Health section you will notice such an error caused by the Unyson plugin: “A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.” In order to fix it, you will need to […]
Woffice can be seen as a framework to support your applications. You will find many options from the theme settings and extensions. However, those options actually represent a very small part of the available possible customizations. Indeed, Woffice is full of actions, filters and ready to be overwritten functions. To use those features, you need a […]
In this section, we will quickly review the different steps you can follow along to debug. First and foremost, the most important debugging tool you need to know about is WP_DEBUG, a boolean constant, which triggers the “debug” mode throughout WordPress. Enable Debugging Turn on WP_DEBUG from your wp-config.php file at the root the WordPress directory: When set to […]
WOffice Theme comes with a widget that shows a slider of texts which appears on your homepage. You can also enable this through Appearance → Widgets Sample image: Please refer to the video below on how to edit FunFacts Contents.