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We highly recommend our customers to make all their changes through a child theme. If you never heard about a WordPress child theme, we would highly recommend you a quick look on this page. Why would you need a child theme? Here are the main reasons why using a child theme could benefit your project: How […]
There are several ways to install the demo content on your site. We recommend you to go for the “One click install” one as it is faster. One click install We’ll see how to install the Demo content with Woffice 1.6.0 + So we assume here that you just installed Woffice theme in your WordPress site AND […]
Blog content can also be generated on the front-end of posts via AI, based on the set Blog post title. In order to achieve this, you will need to carry out the following: i) While adding or editing your post, you will have a view of the field “Article Content”. Beneath it, there is the […]
It is important to note that: -This option is available when editing or adding posts from the front-end -The title to the blog post needs to be set first In order to generate you blog images using AI, you will need to carry out the following: i) While either adding a new post or editing […]
In order to generate Todos, you need first to ensure that you have setup your project title. With this done, you can then carry out the following in order to generate the Todo: i) Navigate to your project single page and click on the Todos tab ii) Click on the “Generate With AI” option within […]
In order to activate the Woffice AI API, you will need to carry out the following: i) Purchase the Credits from here: Woffice Credits – Woffice ii) Navigate to the Appearance > Woffice Theming Options > Plugins section and within the “Woffice Credit System” field, add your license key and click on activate. Below is […]
As of Woffice 5.1.9, we have deprecated the woffice credit system plugin and integrated the functionality inside the woffice core plugin. You hence now need not to integrate the Woffice Credits plugin to your site.