

We advise you to use Learndash which is so far the best eLearning WordPress plugin. However be aware than even though the license is worth its price, it is still not a cheap license.  Woffice is 100% compatible with Learndash, regarding the plugin itself you must see their documentation for all the details: Documentation. Everything is explained step by […]



In order to set up your dashboard page, please follow these steps:  1. Create a new Dashboard WordPress page:  Make sure to select “Dashboard” as a template, it is very important. The name can be changed and the content of the page does not matter as it will be overwritten. Do not forget to save your page, it […]


File Manager

Any new project created creates a new directory in your FTP where files are stored. There is also an option for each project to deactivate this feature. You can customize the File Away settings by changing its settings, see this article. Once the directory created, Woffice will automatically create two shortcodes within the project’s page:  So […]


New profile icon

Here is a quick guide about how to add a new icon to the user’s profile.  Requirements We will use a child theme and assume you’re using one as well. So you will be able to update Woffice without loosing your changes.  1. Creating your text field To get started, we need to add a new field […]


bbPress forum

When it comes to creating forums, we cannot recommend enough bbPress. See  It is created by the WordPress team, free and highly extendable with a heap of free extensions. There is no specific changes to do with Woffice, it will work fine right out of the box.  You just need to install it, activate it and […]


User Role Editor

User Role Editor is a useful plugin that allows you to change users and roles capabilities very easily. You can edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities from the User Role Settings: Until the version 1.9, capability changes were only affecting the back-end permissions. However, since this version has been released, it’s also possible to use the […]



Woffice is coming with a powerful Project manager extension which is design to be simple to use and work along other plugins and WordPress.  The first thing you want to do is to make sure the “Woffice Projects” extension is enabled (right one): You now have to create a projects page which will list all […]