Displaying a Docs to Wiki post on a page
In order to display a Docs to Wiki post on a page, you will need to add the following Shortcode to the page: The value 1 will need to be replaced with your Docs to Wiki post ID.
In order to display a Docs to Wiki post on a page, you will need to add the following Shortcode to the page: The value 1 will need to be replaced with your Docs to Wiki post ID.
In order to create a Docs to Wiki post; 1.Navigate to the Docs to Wiki > Add New section within your WordPress dashboard 2. Fill in your Docs to Wiki post title 3. Publish the post, move down to the Google Auth token section and authenticate from google 4. Navigate to the “Google Picker” segment […]
The Docs to Wiki plugin requires you to set the following data: In order to set this data, you will need to set up an OAuth 2.0 Client ID and API key by carrying out the steps below: This can be achieved by navigating to this link: https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate Here you will need to create your […]