Members directory


The members directory is likely the most important page of your site. Woffice will enhance the BuddyPress directory page by adding several features that we will describe in this article. 

Creating the page 

Here are the different steps to create your members directory page: 

  • Create a new page in WordPress, the name does not matter and no template is required. Save it and publish it, it should be empty now. 
  • Go to Settings > BuddyPress > Pages, you will see “Members” with a dropdown, just select the page you created and hit the “save settings” button. 
  • That’s all, you should see the members on the page you created. 
  • Have a look in the Appearance > Theme Settings > BuddyPress options to customise it. 


Woffice gives you two different layouts for your members directory, you can select it through the Appearance > Theme Settings > BuddyPress > Members layout option. 

The two layouts are: 

  • Card: members will be displayed in a grid layout, each member will have his own card with cover image, profile picture, name, role, custom fields…
  • Table: members will be displayed in a table, each member will have his own row with name, role and custom fields.

Woffice also gives you a bunch of options to change several things in the way the members are listed (eg: order or removing specific roles). 

Custom fields 

In order to create custom fields, you need to be sure that the Xprofile BuddyPress component is enabled. 

To enable a BuddyPress component, you need to go to Settings > BuddyPress > Components within your WordPress admin. 

Once activated (it should be by default), go to Users > Profile fields. On this page you will be able to add as many custom fields as you want. 

By default the custom fields are not displayed on the members directory. To enable them, go to Appearance > Theme Settings > BuddyPress >  “Display fields in members directory” (that is the second option).

You will see the list of your custom fields, you can enable them one by one and pick an icon so it looks better. 

The data is auto-formatted by Woffice depending on the field type. You customize this rendering process using WordPress filters. 

Members Map

To enable the members map, you just need to enable the Unyson > Woffice Members Map extension. That will enable the button on the members directory and create a new Location field. 

However, be sure to have configured your Google Map API connection details first, otherwise it will not work. We have an article for you here

If you do not see a map marker after having entered your location, please check the following: 

  • The location is valid, you can enter it on Google Map and get a result 
  • Test to remove the country
  • Be sure that the Google map connection is properly setup, you can check that from the Woffice Members page extension’s settings page. 

Extended search 

Woffice adds the ability to search the members by custom fields. Please read the section regarding the Custom fields above on this article. 

Then, you need to enable the button: Appearance > Theme Settings > BuddyPress > Members advanced search.

To choose which field will be displayed, you can check them one by one in the Appearance > Theme Settings > BuddyPress >  “Display fields in members directory” (this is the second option).  

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