Woffice – Elementor Projects Widget

Woffice 5 Elementor

The Projects widget element is used in displayed a list of projects in a page. The widget can be used in displaying specific projects or all projects based on the set widget options.

There are fields within the “Content” section of the widget element as illustrated below:

Title Tag: Enables you to specify the HTML tag that the Projects widget will use.

Title: This field is used in setting the title you intend to use for the Projects widget.

Only Current User: This option is applicable to logged in users. Enabling it sets the projects rendered to be only those the current user is a project member.

Status: Used in determining the projects to be rendered, based on the set project status. You can set it to “all” project status, meaning that all projects will be rendered, In Progress, Planned, In Review, Archived and Done.

Project Categories Filter: Enables you to specify project categories that will be used in determining the projects to be rendered. Only projects from the set project categories will be rendered.

Sample Output

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