Adding Products to Listings using WP Job Manager Products

The Wp Job manager plugin enables the assigning of products to Wp Job Manager listings, that you can use to sell products through the listings. In order to achieve this, the following will need to be carried out:

1. Ensure that you have added some products within your site with the help of the WooCommerce plugin

2. Next, navigate to the Job Manager > Settings > Products section and within the “Products limitation” field, choose which products listing owners can assign to their listings.

Only their own: With this option enabled, only admins are able to select the products from the front-end. To have job listing owners able to assign their products from the front-end, you will need to purchase and install the WooCommerce Product Vendors plugin. Using the plugin, listing owners can create their products from a limited backend dashboard and be in a position to select them from the front-end.

All Products: With this option, listing owners are able to select any products added within the site and assign it to their listings.

3. With the above settings applied, the respective product(s) will need to be added from the Products > Add New section within the WordPress dashboard. If you would like your listing owners to create their own products, you must first make sure that they are  vendors on your site. Once they are vendors, they can then create their own products from the backend as illustrated below:

4. Depending on the option selected in the Job Manager Products settings section, listing owners can select their own products or any product within the job submission form. Below is a sample illustration on this: