Woffice has been using EventON plugin from day one. It is also important that we include both the Eventon plugin and EventON – Full cal to enable you create a full grid calendar with a month view of eventON events.
The plugins are included and updated in any Woffice update.
Why ?
- EventON is very expensive compared to Woffice’s license price tag. Our goal is to provide top-notch intranets for a fair price and the best customer support possible. But if you want to use Woffice along a complete professional calendar, even if EventON is included, you might need to put an extra $100 from your own wallet to get it working with the features you would need.
Where can I find it?
You can find the Eventon plugins from your WordPress dashboard top admin bar, within the Woffice > Download Bundled Plugins path. Here is a screenshot on this: