In order to configure your Header Bar settings such as setting your logo, rendering of the search icon on the header or even displaying the user box within the navigation bar, you will need to navigate to the Appearance > Woffice Theming Options > Header Bar Options section. Below is a screenshot on this:

Main Logo: This field allows you to set the main logo within your website.
Logo Width: Here you can define the desired width that you would like your logo to occupy.
Do you want to hide the logo?: Determines whether or not to render the logo in your website.
Search icon in the menu?: Used in determining whether or not to add a search icon at the end of the menu or not.
User Box: When enabled, it renders the user avatar on the top right of the website.
User box position: Determines where to render the enabled user box. Either in the right sidebar or inside the Topbar. If the User box option is disabled, this option is also automatically disabled.
Login Link: This option enables the rendering of the login icon on the top right sidebar section if the page or website is public.
Show Mini cart: When enabled, this option renders a cart icon on the header. The icon will however be rendered only in a scenario whereby the WooCommerce plugin is active.
Show notification icon: If enabled, the option will facilitate the rendering of the notification icon within the header if BuddyPress plugin is active.